Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sam Maloof - An American Icon

As a woodworker, leaning never stops. I had the pleasure of viewing a 2 day workshop by the late Sam Maloof. I learned a lot from this man, not only his woodworking techniques and his style, but also about the importance of faith in God and the closeness of family.

Sam Maloof was one of the most well known and skilled woodworkers of our time. His prized work was featured, among other places, in the Smithsonian Institute. His furniture literally sold all around the world. Former President Carter has many Maloof pieces in his own home.

This sleek, inviting, curvy lined rocking chair captures Maloof’s style. Starting with thick slabs of wood, every part of this chair was skillfully shaped by the hands of this visionary craftsman. Towards the end of his career, a rocking chair would sell for $15,000–$20,000.

One of these rocking chairs also resided in the household of President Reagan [1].

Maloof worked in his shop into his 90’s, and passed away in May of 2009.

The legacy left by Maloof continues with the Maloof Foundation with the mission, “To perpetuate excellence in craftsmanship.”

To learn more about Sam Maloof, the foundation, or to donate, click here.

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