Monday, November 16, 2009

Major retail stores vs. End Grain Studios: Whats the diff?

Where do you shop? The same places everyone else does right?

Let’s change that.

Major retail stores have done a great thing; they have brought furniture onto the market for low prices. For some situations this is good enough (college dorms come to mind).

What type of furniture do you want to “build your home" with?

Take the quiz below to find out!

1. What do you want your furniture to be made of?
a. Particle board with a vinyl or wood laminate
b. Solid woods like maple, ash, and walnut

2. How do you want the parts and pieces to be put together?
a. Thin metal screws
b. Solid wood joinery techniques that have been used since around 2,500 BC

3. How do you want your furniture to be protected?
a. Thin machine sprayed finish or even no finish at all
b. Durable hand applied finishes with multiple coats of the finest products available

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Feel free to tell us how you did, add you comments! And be sure to stop by

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